06 June 2006

Forum Secrets Part 2

Pay particular attention to the P.S. at the end...

Is anyone here experienced in putting together a really "tasty" resale rights package? I've been brainstorming all the different elements of what I want to include, and here's what I've come up with so far:

* resale rights to the eBooks (obviously)*

use of my professionally created sales letters (I paid a fortune to have these killer sales letters written... should I include them, or let people create their own?)*

I'll also give them my thank you pages, and download instructions email to make things easy for them.Here's my main question...I have a few other things that I can throw in, but I'm not sure if it would be too much.

The other possibilities are...

* the professional header graphic*

the complete set of eBook graphics*

and this is the one that I'm wrestling with...

should I offer ALL of them in a bundle package?

(meaning, they can buy all 10 products with resale rights for one low cost... or should I sell them individually?).Because these eBooks have sold a ton of copies, I don't want to devalue them by offering a ton of cheap, low level packages. I expect to charge around 150 dollars for the cheapest package, and even with that... if the person has a list, they could make their money back on the first day. Would it be a mistake to offer this as a bundle package, and give people all of these products that are already developed and ready-to-sell?

I'm ready to launch this offer, so I'd really appreciate hearing from some of the more experienced marketers on this forum.

Michael Rasmussen

P.S. - Here's the URL of the products that I'm offering the rights for. IF anyone here has an email list that would be interested in this kind of deal, I'm willing to give you 50% of what I make (50% of a high end sale like this is a pretty good chunk).

Do you see how I structured my post as a request for help?

What you may not realize is that what I was REALLY trying to do was get the attention of people who have good sized opt-in email lists, so they can promote my resale rights offer to their list.Pretty clever, huh?

Go ahead and give it a try. The Power P.S. technique is a proven winner. By the way, I received a lot of helpful replies to this original post, and as a result, I came up with a much more compelling resale rights offer. If you want to see it for yourself, go here, but make sure you keep reading...

Onward... it's time for the next technique of this series. This is a little known trick that experts use to make sure their posts get seen by nearly EVERYBODY. I call this one... The Slingshot Method Why do I call it The Slingshot Method? Well what happens when you pull a sling shot back further and further? Eventually it comes exploding back to where it was originally... almost instantly.When you think about that in terms of forum posts, that means that you take your post, and get it to come rocketing back to the top of the list of available posts to read.

Here's how to pull this off...Most forums are designed so that the newer posts are at the top of the list, and they get pushed down as more and more new posts get added. But guess what... it's not ONLY new posts that make it to the top. The ones who get replied to also get pushed to the top!Let me explain that in plain English.If you made a post last week about something, and nobody replied, it would keep going further and further down the list, until it made it to (gasp) page 2,which nobody looks at. Here's how to keep your post at the top of the list... simply REPLY TO IT.That's right, simply reply to your own post, and add some extra information that you "forgot" to put in your original post. Think about it, if there's a reply to your post every day for an entire week... your post will NOT get pushed to the bottom, and most of the "regulars" will get to read it.

I actually have a very powerful example of how to use the Slingshot Method. I used it to keep one of my own posts "stuck" at the top of the list for an entire MONTH! While everyone else was getting 2-300 people reading their post, I got nearly 2,500 views!

That post brought me a lot of traffic, and a lot of extra sales. The good news it that you can model my post to create your own traffic producing monster.Be sure to read the next part of this course, because I'm going to share with you this "Golden Post" that got the attention of thousands of Internet Marketers, and teach you how you can create one just like it for your business.

05 June 2006

Forum Secrets Part 1

The purpose of this mini-course is to give you some fantastic tips, tricks & secrets that will make your forum posts MUCH more powerful (and make you a lot more money).Since you'll be posting ANYWAY, let's learn how to craft your posts so that they get some serious results!

The second thing I wanted to mention is that there's a hidden danger lurking in forums. Most new marketers aren't aware of it, and yet I've seen it choke the life out of new websites, products & great ideas.What is this hidden danger? It's simply a LACK OF DISCRETION when choosing WHO you allow to influence your advertising efforts. In otherwords, a lot of new marketers will see someone making a certain kind of post on the forums, and they'll immediately go and copy what that person is doing... without even knowing if it's effective or not. Listen, just because something looks or sounds good, doesn't mean it makes money. If you're going to choose a forum posting style to emulate, then make sure that the person you're learning from is actually making money on the internet.

That's where I come in. I'm one of the few people in the online marketing community that consistently earns over ten thousand dollars per month in spendable cash. I have a lot to share with you, so I hope that this will only be the beginning of our relationship. Okay, now I've got a great forum posting technique for you...

The Power P.S. Technique

Have you noticed that you barely even SEE banner ads these days? Even if a site has a well placed banner ad, your eyes are trained to ignore it, because you've seen so many of them, and you know that they're generally not worth looking at.Well guess what, the same thing is happening on discussion forums!

More and more people are completely ignoring the signatures at the bottom of each post. Although some people ARE making money with their signatures, I've discovered a much more powerfulway to get people to click on your link.

It's called the Power P.S. Here's how it works...

At the bottom of your posts, you add a littleP.S. that increases the URGENCY of your message.That way, people click your link immediately,instead of ignoring it.The P.S. cannot be a "canned" message that youslip into every post. It should be different eachtime, so that people don't get trained to ignore your PS's.

Look out for part 2 of this mini-course tomorrow, because I'm going to give you a powerful REAL LIFE example of one of my most successful PS's o fall time, and then I'll reveal how you can"ethically steal" my secret to make drive tons oftraffic to YOUR web site.

10 Extreme Ways To Rocket Your Profits

1. Advertise your web site with banner ads that areanimated and include a call to action. You must grabpeople's attention and make them to click.

2. Use pop up windows or advertisements on yourweb site. They grab your visitors attention becausethey jump right out at them.

3. Buy internet business books, ebooks, private sitememberships, etc. Study and learn all the new website promotional ideas you can.

4. Analyze all your promotional efforts. Concentrateon the ones that work and drop the ones that don'twork. Don't waste your valuable time.

5. Get the most from each one of your visitors. Askthem to subscribe to your e-zine, participate on yourmessage board, bookmark your site, etc.

6. Use text links if your banner ads are not pullingtraffic. People don't ignore text links as much asthey do banner ads.

7. Trade content with other ezine publishers or websites. This is a powerful and effective way to placeyour links on other targeted web sites.

8. Keep your product available to your customersat all times. If you have to backorder it, they mayend up canceling their order.

9. Use content on your web site so people can skimthrough it easily. Most people have little time so tryusing lists, short tips, short articles,etc

10. Add a message board or chat room to your website. If people enjoy it, they will revisit your web siteto participate regularly.