(Consumers Just Eat `Em Up!)
The following are email subject lines that have gotten outstanding results in marketing campaigns for a broad spectrum of goods, products, and services.
If they work for"Brand X," think how well they`re work for "Brand YOU."
1. Who really wants to be a(n) X ?
2. What do YOU want for Christmas?
3. You`ve got to see this ...
4. Doctors spill the beans ...
5. I goofed ...
6. Special Pre-release Announcement
7. You`re going to love this one
8. Here`s the answer you`ve been looking for
9. 3 minutes to greater X, X, and X
10. DISCOVERED! The secret to X
11. Urgent News
12. Still skeptical? Here`s why you should be!
13. Our loss is your gain
14. This is extremely urgent
15. I need your help ...
16. Check this out and let me know
17. Important notice from
18. Something that might interest you ...
19. Before you give up, here`s my suggestion
20. Open this before 7 p.m.
21. Make X work for you!
22. Seen this yet?
23. Sneak Peek at .com
24. Newsflash fromUse them in good (marketing) "health"!Sincerely,
27 March 2006
How to Deal With Discussion Forum Flames
Unfortunately, flames are a part of the everyday reality of discussion forums. Not knowing how to dealwith them is like not knowing how to defend yourself ifyou're walking through a part of town where you knowthere is trouble lurking.
Luckily, forums aren't nearly as dangerous as your local ghetto.
Why People FlameThere are 3 main reasons that people construct flameposts.
They are:#1 – They are perceiving an injury or loss, and theybelieve that you are the one who's responsible for the pain they are feeling... so they want to counter attackto make themselves feel
better.#2 – They are in an emotional state when they are writing their post, and they aren't thinking about thelong-term consequences of their actions.
#3 – They are imagining themselves as the victim of what ever situation they are in, and they are imagining that YOU are their victimizer.Now that you know why people flame, let's talk about...How to Handle ThemThe first thing you need to know is that you can't fight fire with fire… no matter how cool it sounds when you say that. That stuff usually only works in the movies.In real life, you have to fight fire with water.
Here's my five-step process for doing just that.
This has been tested and proven in dozens of situations.
STEP #1 – You have to write two text documents. The first one will be a private email that you send to them, and the second will be a response to their post on the forum itself.
SIDENOTE: You have to write both of these at the sametime, because you're going to be sending them at thesame time.
STEP #2 – When writing to them, tell them that you understand how they could feel the way they feel, but that their feelings are based on a misunderstanding.
STEP #3 – Point out the specific errors in their post,and gently correct them. Fill them in on the information that they are missing or that they misinterpreted.
STEP #4 – Tell them how you will fix the problem, andthen instruct them on how to fix the mistake they made by flaming you on the forum. Explain to them that you are forwarding their post to your attorney (but only say this if you mean it), and that you would like their contact info if they don't plan on doing step five.Speaking of which...
STEP #5 – Politely ask them to apologize to you publicly on the forum, and explain to the people who are following the thread that he/she made a mistake.
WORD OF WARNING – Don't go around making legal threats to people just because you're angry about their flame. If you don't actually have a lawyer, then don't tell people you're going to have your lawyer contact them. Going the legal route is some thing best saved for last resort. Also, one other thing… make sure you take a screen shot of their post, and save it. It would also be smart tocopy and paste their post into a text file, because the moderators might delete the entire thread before you can save the evidence.
In Conclusion...
The key to handling flames is to not take it personally, and to act quickly before the damage spreads.
BONUS TIP – One last thing that might help you craftyour reply to the person who wrote the flame… tell themthat you ALSO hate it when people do to you what hethinks you did to him. For example:If someone flamed you for not responding to an email ontime, you can say, "I hear ya... I hate it when people don't get back to me quickly either. I've been away ata conference for two days, and I wasn't able to get tomy email account until just now."Of course, don't say this if it's not true, but I think you get the idea.Make sure you book mark this page as a reference in case you ever find yourself at the receiving end of a nasty forum flame.
Unfortunately, flames are a part of the everyday reality of discussion forums. Not knowing how to dealwith them is like not knowing how to defend yourself ifyou're walking through a part of town where you knowthere is trouble lurking.
Luckily, forums aren't nearly as dangerous as your local ghetto.
Why People FlameThere are 3 main reasons that people construct flameposts.
They are:#1 – They are perceiving an injury or loss, and theybelieve that you are the one who's responsible for the pain they are feeling... so they want to counter attackto make themselves feel
better.#2 – They are in an emotional state when they are writing their post, and they aren't thinking about thelong-term consequences of their actions.
#3 – They are imagining themselves as the victim of what ever situation they are in, and they are imagining that YOU are their victimizer.Now that you know why people flame, let's talk about...How to Handle ThemThe first thing you need to know is that you can't fight fire with fire… no matter how cool it sounds when you say that. That stuff usually only works in the movies.In real life, you have to fight fire with water.
Here's my five-step process for doing just that.
This has been tested and proven in dozens of situations.
STEP #1 – You have to write two text documents. The first one will be a private email that you send to them, and the second will be a response to their post on the forum itself.
SIDENOTE: You have to write both of these at the sametime, because you're going to be sending them at thesame time.
STEP #2 – When writing to them, tell them that you understand how they could feel the way they feel, but that their feelings are based on a misunderstanding.
STEP #3 – Point out the specific errors in their post,and gently correct them. Fill them in on the information that they are missing or that they misinterpreted.
STEP #4 – Tell them how you will fix the problem, andthen instruct them on how to fix the mistake they made by flaming you on the forum. Explain to them that you are forwarding their post to your attorney (but only say this if you mean it), and that you would like their contact info if they don't plan on doing step five.Speaking of which...
STEP #5 – Politely ask them to apologize to you publicly on the forum, and explain to the people who are following the thread that he/she made a mistake.
WORD OF WARNING – Don't go around making legal threats to people just because you're angry about their flame. If you don't actually have a lawyer, then don't tell people you're going to have your lawyer contact them. Going the legal route is some thing best saved for last resort. Also, one other thing… make sure you take a screen shot of their post, and save it. It would also be smart tocopy and paste their post into a text file, because the moderators might delete the entire thread before you can save the evidence.
In Conclusion...
The key to handling flames is to not take it personally, and to act quickly before the damage spreads.
BONUS TIP – One last thing that might help you craftyour reply to the person who wrote the flame… tell themthat you ALSO hate it when people do to you what hethinks you did to him. For example:If someone flamed you for not responding to an email ontime, you can say, "I hear ya... I hate it when people don't get back to me quickly either. I've been away ata conference for two days, and I wasn't able to get tomy email account until just now."Of course, don't say this if it's not true, but I think you get the idea.Make sure you book mark this page as a reference in case you ever find yourself at the receiving end of a nasty forum flame.
MISTAKE 1,2 & 3's
In today's lesson, you're going to learn 3 common mistakes that people make when they first start postingon discussion forums. You'll learn what they are, and how to avoid them so you won't look like an amateur. Over the past few years, I've seen people make all kinds of mistakes on the discussion forums. These are the three mistakes that I keep seeing people make week after week, though. Let's dive right in, and learn about...
I have to admit, if you're sitting at home, and working on improving your pay per click ads, it's tempting to seek out a little drama here and there, and the forums are a great source of it. People get into flame wars all the time on forums, and it's so tempting to jump in and offer your 2 cents. Even if it's just for fun, you should be careful not to get mixed up in these dramas, because then you'll quickly get a reputation as someone who "slings poo-poo" in the forums. Have you ever seen someone at a party or in a bar that talks WAY louder than everyone else, and usually whatever they're saying has no value? Nobody really wants to get close to that person, because they know that sooner or later… that person will gossip about them too. Flame wars are lot like that. If you end up irritating someone in a flame war, they will become motivated to attack you and your business. Trust me, don't do it. It makes you look like a rank amateur, and it takes time away from activities that will make you money.
I have to admit, this one is a huge pet peeve of mine. If I go out of my way to ask a question on a forum, I usually set the forum up to email me if there are anynew replies. Nothing irritates me more than taking the time to check out my discussion thread, only to see someone write:"Yeah, I was wondering the same thing too"or"Yeah, I think so too".This also makes the moderators mad, because if it's amoderated discussion forum, they have to take the time to actually read and approve the "me too" post. Oftentimes, they will delete your post, just because you created extra work for them… so don't do it.If you want to chime in, then make sure you add someunique value to the discussion thread by offering your experience, comments, or even a story that relates towhat's being discussed.Speaking of pissing the moderators off, let's jump into…
**MISTAKE #3 –
Seriously, please don't do this. I know that it's frustrating to get your post deleted after you spent time and effort making it, but trust me… the moderators almost always have a reason.If you really feel like the moderators made a mistake,then try sending them a private message, and ask them how you can improve your post so that it meets theirguidelines.
To someone who's been posting on forums for a long time, these 3 tips will seem like common knowledge, andyet I still see people making them all the time.You'll go a long way toward making a good impression,and making a lot more money on your favorite discussion forums if you follow these tips and guidelines.Well that's it. I hope you enjoyed these tips, and Ihope you'll use them.
I have to admit, if you're sitting at home, and working on improving your pay per click ads, it's tempting to seek out a little drama here and there, and the forums are a great source of it. People get into flame wars all the time on forums, and it's so tempting to jump in and offer your 2 cents. Even if it's just for fun, you should be careful not to get mixed up in these dramas, because then you'll quickly get a reputation as someone who "slings poo-poo" in the forums. Have you ever seen someone at a party or in a bar that talks WAY louder than everyone else, and usually whatever they're saying has no value? Nobody really wants to get close to that person, because they know that sooner or later… that person will gossip about them too. Flame wars are lot like that. If you end up irritating someone in a flame war, they will become motivated to attack you and your business. Trust me, don't do it. It makes you look like a rank amateur, and it takes time away from activities that will make you money.
I have to admit, this one is a huge pet peeve of mine. If I go out of my way to ask a question on a forum, I usually set the forum up to email me if there are anynew replies. Nothing irritates me more than taking the time to check out my discussion thread, only to see someone write:"Yeah, I was wondering the same thing too"or"Yeah, I think so too".This also makes the moderators mad, because if it's amoderated discussion forum, they have to take the time to actually read and approve the "me too" post. Oftentimes, they will delete your post, just because you created extra work for them… so don't do it.If you want to chime in, then make sure you add someunique value to the discussion thread by offering your experience, comments, or even a story that relates towhat's being discussed.Speaking of pissing the moderators off, let's jump into…
**MISTAKE #3 –
Seriously, please don't do this. I know that it's frustrating to get your post deleted after you spent time and effort making it, but trust me… the moderators almost always have a reason.If you really feel like the moderators made a mistake,then try sending them a private message, and ask them how you can improve your post so that it meets theirguidelines.
To someone who's been posting on forums for a long time, these 3 tips will seem like common knowledge, andyet I still see people making them all the time.You'll go a long way toward making a good impression,and making a lot more money on your favorite discussion forums if you follow these tips and guidelines.Well that's it. I hope you enjoyed these tips, and Ihope you'll use them.
26 March 2006
Killer Ways To Sell Your Back-End Products
Back-end product is a product you attempt to sell your customers after they have recently purchased a related product from your business. If you're not trying to sell back-end products to your customers, you're making a big mistake. It is easier to sell to existing customers than it is to sell to new ones who don't trust your business yet.
Below are ten killer strategies you can use to sell yourback-end products to your existing customers:
1. When you ship people the first product they bought,insert a flyer or brochure for your back-end productin the package.
2. Give customers a free subscription to a customersonly e-zine when they buy your product. You could include your ad for your back-end product in eachissue.
3. Send your customers greeting card. Include a small advertisement inside the card for your back-end product.
4. After people order your first product from your website, take them to a "thank you" web page and include your back-end product ad on that page.
5. Send customers a free surprise gift after they orderyour first product. You could attach another ad withthe free gift for your back-end product.
6. If you're selling an electronic product, like an ebook,include your ad for your back-end product somewhereinside the electronic product.
7. Give your customers a free membership into your"customers only" private site. You could include yourad for your back-end product somewhere inside the private site.
8. Contact your customers by phone and ask them ifthey were happy with their purchase. You could tellthem about your back-end product.
9. Send your customers a thank you letter by mail or E-mail. You could mention your back-end product some where on the letter.
10. Ask your customers if they want to be updated inthe future when you have new product offers. Youcould have them sign up to receive e-mail or snailmail updates.Your business will have a greater chance of surviving when you attempt to sell back-end products to your existing customers.
Below are ten killer strategies you can use to sell yourback-end products to your existing customers:
1. When you ship people the first product they bought,insert a flyer or brochure for your back-end productin the package.
2. Give customers a free subscription to a customersonly e-zine when they buy your product. You could include your ad for your back-end product in eachissue.
3. Send your customers greeting card. Include a small advertisement inside the card for your back-end product.
4. After people order your first product from your website, take them to a "thank you" web page and include your back-end product ad on that page.
5. Send customers a free surprise gift after they orderyour first product. You could attach another ad withthe free gift for your back-end product.
6. If you're selling an electronic product, like an ebook,include your ad for your back-end product somewhereinside the electronic product.
7. Give your customers a free membership into your"customers only" private site. You could include yourad for your back-end product somewhere inside the private site.
8. Contact your customers by phone and ask them ifthey were happy with their purchase. You could tellthem about your back-end product.
9. Send your customers a thank you letter by mail or E-mail. You could mention your back-end product some where on the letter.
10. Ask your customers if they want to be updated inthe future when you have new product offers. Youcould have them sign up to receive e-mail or snailmail updates.Your business will have a greater chance of surviving when you attempt to sell back-end products to your existing customers.
Magic-Like Ways To Multiply Your Orders
1. Use reward programs to keep people revisiting your web site and buying your products. You could reward gifts or discounts for revisiting or buying.
2. Publish e-zines for other web sites to increase your traffic. You could do it at no charge and inreturn just ask for a sponsor ad in each issue.
3. Trade endorsement ads with other e-zines. They pull more hits and sales than just trading classifiedads because it gives your ad instant credibility.
4. Test your ad copy before you start taking orders.Tell your visitors to e-mail you if they want to be notified when you launch a new product.
5. Get your visitors excited about your product by letting them know how excited you are about it. Tell them why you're excited and use exclamation points.
6. Use incentives to gain referrals if you don't havean affiliate program. Tell people when they refer customers you will award them with free products.
7. Tell your visitors the reason why you're having a sale so they don't think your products are cheap. It could be a holiday/seasonal sale or clearance sale.
8. Stay away from overloading your web site withhigh tech gadgets. They can create a slow loadingweb page and distract people away from your offer.
9. Cut out words, phrases, and paragraphs in your ad copy that aren't selling or supporting your product.This will stop people from getting bored with your ad.
10. Keep people at your web site as long as possible.Allow them to download free ebooks, sign-up for contests, use free online services, etc.
2. Publish e-zines for other web sites to increase your traffic. You could do it at no charge and inreturn just ask for a sponsor ad in each issue.
3. Trade endorsement ads with other e-zines. They pull more hits and sales than just trading classifiedads because it gives your ad instant credibility.
4. Test your ad copy before you start taking orders.Tell your visitors to e-mail you if they want to be notified when you launch a new product.
5. Get your visitors excited about your product by letting them know how excited you are about it. Tell them why you're excited and use exclamation points.
6. Use incentives to gain referrals if you don't havean affiliate program. Tell people when they refer customers you will award them with free products.
7. Tell your visitors the reason why you're having a sale so they don't think your products are cheap. It could be a holiday/seasonal sale or clearance sale.
8. Stay away from overloading your web site withhigh tech gadgets. They can create a slow loadingweb page and distract people away from your offer.
9. Cut out words, phrases, and paragraphs in your ad copy that aren't selling or supporting your product.This will stop people from getting bored with your ad.
10. Keep people at your web site as long as possible.Allow them to download free ebooks, sign-up for contests, use free online services, etc.
10 Mesmerizing Ways To Reinforce Your Profits
1. Anticipate any objections your visitors may have about your product offer. You must research your target audience's needs and wants.
2. Remember not to use outrageous or unbelievable claims in your ad copy. People are too savvy online and won't believe you.
3. Pick a good name for your business and product.Your names should be memorable and describe the kind of product your offering.
4. Solve your customer complaints by being quick and friendly. The faster you respond, the more your customers feel you care about them.
5. Never think your customers are satisfied with their purchase. You should be constantly finding new ways to better your product and service.
6. Market yourself, as well as your product. You could write articles, ebooks, do free consulting,do speaking engagements, etc.
7. Find new target audiences for your products or services. For example, if you're selling coffee tostores try to also sell it to coffee shops.
8. Use the phrase "invest in our product" instead of the words buy or purchase. This makes prospects feel they're investing in their future if they buy.
9. Create offline affiliates to market your product.Have people sign up at your web site to sell your products through "house parties".
10. Use logos and slogans for your business. They make it easier for people to remember and identify your business.
2. Remember not to use outrageous or unbelievable claims in your ad copy. People are too savvy online and won't believe you.
3. Pick a good name for your business and product.Your names should be memorable and describe the kind of product your offering.
4. Solve your customer complaints by being quick and friendly. The faster you respond, the more your customers feel you care about them.
5. Never think your customers are satisfied with their purchase. You should be constantly finding new ways to better your product and service.
6. Market yourself, as well as your product. You could write articles, ebooks, do free consulting,do speaking engagements, etc.
7. Find new target audiences for your products or services. For example, if you're selling coffee tostores try to also sell it to coffee shops.
8. Use the phrase "invest in our product" instead of the words buy or purchase. This makes prospects feel they're investing in their future if they buy.
9. Create offline affiliates to market your product.Have people sign up at your web site to sell your products through "house parties".
10. Use logos and slogans for your business. They make it easier for people to remember and identify your business.
---Mind Altering Words That Make People Buy---
1. Use the word "fast" in your ad.
People want fast results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. Nowadays,we usually value our time more than our money.
2. Use the word "guaranteed" in your ad.
Peoplewant to be assured they are not risking their hardearned money buying your product.
3. Use the word "limited" in your ad.
People want to own or receive things that are exclusive or rare because they are considered to be more valuable.
4. Use the word "easy/simple" in your ad.
People want easy ordering, easy instructions, easy to use,easy payments, etc.
5. Use the word "testimonial" in your ad.
People want to see believable proof before they buy your product. It should be reputable and specific proof.
6. Use the word "discount/sale " in your ad.
Peoplewant to find bargains. They could be rebates, one time sales, percentage offers, get one free offers, etc.
7. Use the word "free" in your ad.
People want free incentives before they do business with you. Theycould be free books, accessories, services, etc.
8. Use the word "you/your" in your ad.
People want to know that you are talking them. This will make them feel important and attract them to read the whole ad.
9. Use the word "important" in your ad.
People do not want to miss important information that could effect their life. People will stop and take notice.
10. Use the word "new" in your ad.
People wantnew products or services that will improve their life like new information, tastes, technology, results, etc.
Quote of the Day:"What is wrong with our world is that love is in short supply." -- Christopher BryantWarm regards,
1. Use the word "fast" in your ad.
People want fast results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. Nowadays,we usually value our time more than our money.
2. Use the word "guaranteed" in your ad.
Peoplewant to be assured they are not risking their hardearned money buying your product.
3. Use the word "limited" in your ad.
People want to own or receive things that are exclusive or rare because they are considered to be more valuable.
4. Use the word "easy/simple" in your ad.
People want easy ordering, easy instructions, easy to use,easy payments, etc.
5. Use the word "testimonial" in your ad.
People want to see believable proof before they buy your product. It should be reputable and specific proof.
6. Use the word "discount/sale " in your ad.
Peoplewant to find bargains. They could be rebates, one time sales, percentage offers, get one free offers, etc.
7. Use the word "free" in your ad.
People want free incentives before they do business with you. Theycould be free books, accessories, services, etc.
8. Use the word "you/your" in your ad.
People want to know that you are talking them. This will make them feel important and attract them to read the whole ad.
9. Use the word "important" in your ad.
People do not want to miss important information that could effect their life. People will stop and take notice.
10. Use the word "new" in your ad.
People wantnew products or services that will improve their life like new information, tastes, technology, results, etc.
Quote of the Day:"What is wrong with our world is that love is in short supply." -- Christopher BryantWarm regards,
17 March 2006
Your URL is to long??
I found this and thought it will be very useful for all of us with affiliate programs or long url home biz.. By entering in a URL in the text field below,they will create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and never expires. They don't charge a dime is FREE!
Essential Rules for Effective Email Marketing
Print This Page - Makes For An Easier Read"
Hi Eveyone, In today`s "Marketing Strategies that EMPOWER Success" lesson, you`re going to learn the BASICS OF EMAIL MARKETING. Now I know what you`re thinking:
Basics don`t sound very exciting or "empowering."
But the basics are the foundation upon which everything else is built. Miss these and you may end up spinning your wheels for the next 12 months. (Wouldn`t you rather be spinning stories about how you made your first million?)
So find a comfortable spot, put up your feet and let`s get ready to rumble!
=====Essential Rules For Effective Email Marketing =====
If you want an email campaign to succeed, you don`t want to offend anyone when sending your messages. Turn off a consumer with your email and you can be sure they`ll tune out your message. Don`t let this happen to you! A message that earns respect makes sales.
That`s why our first topic for discussion is email etiquette. (Later in the course, we`ll talk more about how to write an email sales letter.) Train yourself to always -- and I mean ALWAYS -- stick to the rules below when crafting your email message.
=> RULE #1 - ALWAYS WRAP YOUR LINES AT 65 CHARACTERS OR LESS Whenever you write an email, always format the lines so that they`re 65 characters, or less, across. To do this, you may need to do a "hard return" by hitting "Enter" at the end of the line. Wondering why to limit your lines to just 65 characters? (Good question! It shows you`re thinking.)
There are two reasons that "less is more": --
The first thing to remember is that looking at a computer screen for a long time causes EYE FATIGUE for many readers. The shorter span of characters across the screen makes reading easier and more appealing to the recipient of your email message.
-- The other reason to go short instead of long is this:
some email clients AUTOMATICALLY ENFORCE LINE-WRAPPING at 60-65 characters on received messages. If your email is wrapped at 70, the content will arrive all "chopped up." This makes it unattractive...and worse -- unappealing.
-- Tip within a Rule #1:
Email clients such as Outlook Express allow you to SET THE LINE-WRAP to any character-width you choose. That means you won`t have to hit Enter each time after typing 65 characters. Makes life easier!
-- Tip within a Rule #2 -
You can type 65 asterisks or dashes in a Notepad file to create a template. Then paste your email below it to see if any lines extend too far to the right.
=> RULE # 2 -
BE CAREFUL USING ALL CAPS How many times have you changed the TV channel to avoid listening to a screaming car salesperson? No one likes a screaming salesperson...and no one likes a "screaming" email message, either. Odds are, when someone has over-amped the volume of their message by using too many capital letters (not to mention too many exclamation points and other punctuation) - you`re going to be turned off.
On the Internet, email messages written in all caps are considered yelling. It`s okay to write some sentences and some words in all caps, but don`t go overboard. (As you can see in this message, I`ve tried to use capital letters to help break up sections of the content from time to time)
-- Tip within a Rule:
Consumers buy from a source they trust. Emails in all caps are perceived as "shady" or uneducated, and have an appearance that damages the credibility of an offer.
=> RULE #3 -
WATCH YOUR Ps & Qs (Spelling and Grammar) Would you be influenced by an email selling you something that had noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes? Sure you would...and the influence would be negative, not positive!
When a consumer reads a sales message that`s filled with errors, they think to themselves, "Good grief, this person doesn`t even take the time to get his emails right. His product is probably the same quality as his emails." When you`re in business, YOUR IMAGE IS YOUR REPUTATION and your reputation is the reason people buy from you or the guy down the block. It`s essential that you create an image of INTEGRITY, CREDIBILITY, and HONESTY in the mind of your prospects.
Sending emails filled with errors doesn`t hurt your professional image...it destroys it. (Ouch!) That`s it for now, but I`ll be back with Lesson #2 faster than you can say, "I want to be EMPOWERED"
Hi Eveyone, In today`s "Marketing Strategies that EMPOWER Success" lesson, you`re going to learn the BASICS OF EMAIL MARKETING. Now I know what you`re thinking:
Basics don`t sound very exciting or "empowering."
But the basics are the foundation upon which everything else is built. Miss these and you may end up spinning your wheels for the next 12 months. (Wouldn`t you rather be spinning stories about how you made your first million?)
So find a comfortable spot, put up your feet and let`s get ready to rumble!
=====Essential Rules For Effective Email Marketing =====
If you want an email campaign to succeed, you don`t want to offend anyone when sending your messages. Turn off a consumer with your email and you can be sure they`ll tune out your message. Don`t let this happen to you! A message that earns respect makes sales.
That`s why our first topic for discussion is email etiquette. (Later in the course, we`ll talk more about how to write an email sales letter.) Train yourself to always -- and I mean ALWAYS -- stick to the rules below when crafting your email message.
=> RULE #1 - ALWAYS WRAP YOUR LINES AT 65 CHARACTERS OR LESS Whenever you write an email, always format the lines so that they`re 65 characters, or less, across. To do this, you may need to do a "hard return" by hitting "Enter" at the end of the line. Wondering why to limit your lines to just 65 characters? (Good question! It shows you`re thinking.)
There are two reasons that "less is more": --
The first thing to remember is that looking at a computer screen for a long time causes EYE FATIGUE for many readers. The shorter span of characters across the screen makes reading easier and more appealing to the recipient of your email message.
-- The other reason to go short instead of long is this:
some email clients AUTOMATICALLY ENFORCE LINE-WRAPPING at 60-65 characters on received messages. If your email is wrapped at 70, the content will arrive all "chopped up." This makes it unattractive...and worse -- unappealing.
-- Tip within a Rule #1:
Email clients such as Outlook Express allow you to SET THE LINE-WRAP to any character-width you choose. That means you won`t have to hit Enter each time after typing 65 characters. Makes life easier!
-- Tip within a Rule #2 -
You can type 65 asterisks or dashes in a Notepad file to create a template. Then paste your email below it to see if any lines extend too far to the right.
=> RULE # 2 -
BE CAREFUL USING ALL CAPS How many times have you changed the TV channel to avoid listening to a screaming car salesperson? No one likes a screaming salesperson...and no one likes a "screaming" email message, either. Odds are, when someone has over-amped the volume of their message by using too many capital letters (not to mention too many exclamation points and other punctuation) - you`re going to be turned off.
On the Internet, email messages written in all caps are considered yelling. It`s okay to write some sentences and some words in all caps, but don`t go overboard. (As you can see in this message, I`ve tried to use capital letters to help break up sections of the content from time to time)
-- Tip within a Rule:
Consumers buy from a source they trust. Emails in all caps are perceived as "shady" or uneducated, and have an appearance that damages the credibility of an offer.
=> RULE #3 -
WATCH YOUR Ps & Qs (Spelling and Grammar) Would you be influenced by an email selling you something that had noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes? Sure you would...and the influence would be negative, not positive!
When a consumer reads a sales message that`s filled with errors, they think to themselves, "Good grief, this person doesn`t even take the time to get his emails right. His product is probably the same quality as his emails." When you`re in business, YOUR IMAGE IS YOUR REPUTATION and your reputation is the reason people buy from you or the guy down the block. It`s essential that you create an image of INTEGRITY, CREDIBILITY, and HONESTY in the mind of your prospects.
Sending emails filled with errors doesn`t hurt your professional image...it destroys it. (Ouch!) That`s it for now, but I`ll be back with Lesson #2 faster than you can say, "I want to be EMPOWERED"
Marketing and Promotion!!
Your home business is NOT about YOU.
It's about everyone else around you, how you connect to others and let them see the value that your business can provide:
What's your Instant Impact Message—
Most small or home business owners can't describe their business in one sentence. Even when they do, it speaks nothing of the uniqueness of their business.
"I do internet marketing" is a statement that does nothing to promote your business to others. Instead, if you say "I help small businesses with low budgets find unlimited clients over the Internet using affordable and simple solutions" then you now have a ‘value statement' that will stick in the minds of others even when they sleep.
Having your own Instant Impact Message is the toughest, and most important thing you can do to successfully market your business.
Don't describe what you do – describe the value that others can get from YOU.
Don't forget the power business cards—
If you used to hand out business cards to clients in your former company, why stop now? Business cards are a cheap and good way to advertise and promote. But instead of putting useless jargon and boring titles, put in your Instant Impact Message.
Offer free coaching—
If your business "Helps people feel and look professional and confident by mastering communications skills" than you can always offer free coaching to your prospective clients.
Just do a simple class where you can teach them how to speak better, listen better etc. etc. Free coaching can help you cement your position as an expert in your field. When people like what they get from you for free, they are more likely to become paying customers and self-driven marketing machines for your business.
Maximize your local contacts—
So over the years you developed a good relationship with the owner of the restaurant right opposite where you live. Now that you have your own business, you have to maximize ALL the contacts you collected over the years. The people you've met in your previous job or social functions can give you extra marketing leverage. So talk to the restaurant guy. See if you can work out a mutually beneficial business relationship. Everyone around you, if you know how to do it, can help you grow your business. Tips I found to be usefull on my training and I want to pass It to you guys
It's about everyone else around you, how you connect to others and let them see the value that your business can provide:
What's your Instant Impact Message—
Most small or home business owners can't describe their business in one sentence. Even when they do, it speaks nothing of the uniqueness of their business.
"I do internet marketing" is a statement that does nothing to promote your business to others. Instead, if you say "I help small businesses with low budgets find unlimited clients over the Internet using affordable and simple solutions" then you now have a ‘value statement' that will stick in the minds of others even when they sleep.
Having your own Instant Impact Message is the toughest, and most important thing you can do to successfully market your business.
Don't describe what you do – describe the value that others can get from YOU.
Don't forget the power business cards—
If you used to hand out business cards to clients in your former company, why stop now? Business cards are a cheap and good way to advertise and promote. But instead of putting useless jargon and boring titles, put in your Instant Impact Message.
Offer free coaching—
If your business "Helps people feel and look professional and confident by mastering communications skills" than you can always offer free coaching to your prospective clients.
Just do a simple class where you can teach them how to speak better, listen better etc. etc. Free coaching can help you cement your position as an expert in your field. When people like what they get from you for free, they are more likely to become paying customers and self-driven marketing machines for your business.
Maximize your local contacts—
So over the years you developed a good relationship with the owner of the restaurant right opposite where you live. Now that you have your own business, you have to maximize ALL the contacts you collected over the years. The people you've met in your previous job or social functions can give you extra marketing leverage. So talk to the restaurant guy. See if you can work out a mutually beneficial business relationship. Everyone around you, if you know how to do it, can help you grow your business. Tips I found to be usefull on my training and I want to pass It to you guys
Some Ways to Advertise
Some Ways to Advertise
1. Bumper stickers
2. Flyers
3. Business cards (Self-Made or VistaPrint)
4. PersonalizedT-shirts
5. Message boards
6. Free classifieds
7. Ezines
8. Paid ads
9. Postcards
10. Purchased leads
11. Bookmarks for libraries
12. Co-ops
13. Newsgroups
14. Word of mouth(friends and family)
15. Forwarded emails (Signature Line!)
16. Inexpensive lapel buttons
17. Pens to hand out
18. Welcome baby cards for hospitals
19. Request 5 mins at the beginning of different mom groups (MOPS, Breastfeeding classes, Lamaz classes, wherever moms may be that are interested in what you offer)
20. Create a tri-fold: More info type handout that briefly explains your business. Attach a mini sample & your business card.
21. Welcome baskets of samples + business card to newcomers in the area 22. Community Colleges (lots of moms w/computers there)
23. Put a business card in all outgoing mail including anything that has a postage paid envelope! 24. Visit establishments you do business with (doctor's office, health food stores, karate/dance studios,etc) and ask if you can leave flyers or brochures
25. Car magnets - You can put magnets all over your car without asking anyone
26. Bookmarks in library books should be cleared with the librarians first
27. Index cards - leave in restrooms at restaurants or on cork boards around grocery stores
28. Get a booth at school events and share what you offer.
29. Check into an ad in school sponsored publications (directories, PTA booklets, etc). A great targeted audience and usually very affordable.
30. Set up a "free giveaway/free info" box in any store that will give you permission.
31. Post flyers at apartment complexes if they will allow it.
32. Buy a pre-inked, personalized stamp and put your ad on it. Stamp the back of all your envelopes that you mail out. Do you know how many people look at an envelope before it gets opened by the mail department? A LOT!
33. Junk mail with the postage paid envelopes, I send a flyer back to the company and it's free postage!
34. On our light poles are clear tubes for the park owners to put flyers and stuff in
35. Gift basket raffles at Church bazaars, fish fries at your local community hall, any small town function (biz card in the basket) and biz cards on the table next to it
36. ALSO make gift baskets (if you sell a product that would work for this) for family, friends, neighbors, etc. for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, baby showers, bridal showers - you have to buy a gift anyway - make it a VERY SPECIAL one!
37. Replying to spam email with own business ad.
38. Give your business cards to friends and family and ask them to give them out to people they know that might be interested. But turn your business card over and put their name on it and offer an incentive for prospects they send you.
39. Put up flyers at the local colleges and large grocery stores
40. Use vinyl letters on the sun visor for your car to show your site
41. If you go to garage sales, ask if you can leave a few of your flyers there.
42.Leave a business card with your tip for your waiter/waitress.
43.I really like the idea of purchasing cheap seed packets (WAL-MART for $.10/each) and putting a cute tag on them with my pertinent info on it as well as a saying such as "I'm in the business of helping people grow".
44.Business cards with a magnetic back really "stick" in people's minds as well as on their refrigerator!
45.Call all the malls and hospitals in your area to see when they are having a baby expo...when they are I go and walk around and pass out business cards and/ or brochures.
1. Bumper stickers
2. Flyers
3. Business cards (Self-Made or VistaPrint)
4. PersonalizedT-shirts
5. Message boards
6. Free classifieds
7. Ezines
8. Paid ads
9. Postcards
10. Purchased leads
11. Bookmarks for libraries
12. Co-ops
13. Newsgroups
14. Word of mouth(friends and family)
15. Forwarded emails (Signature Line!)
16. Inexpensive lapel buttons
17. Pens to hand out
18. Welcome baby cards for hospitals
19. Request 5 mins at the beginning of different mom groups (MOPS, Breastfeeding classes, Lamaz classes, wherever moms may be that are interested in what you offer)
20. Create a tri-fold: More info type handout that briefly explains your business. Attach a mini sample & your business card.
21. Welcome baskets of samples + business card to newcomers in the area 22. Community Colleges (lots of moms w/computers there)
23. Put a business card in all outgoing mail including anything that has a postage paid envelope! 24. Visit establishments you do business with (doctor's office, health food stores, karate/dance studios,etc) and ask if you can leave flyers or brochures
25. Car magnets - You can put magnets all over your car without asking anyone
26. Bookmarks in library books should be cleared with the librarians first
27. Index cards - leave in restrooms at restaurants or on cork boards around grocery stores
28. Get a booth at school events and share what you offer.
29. Check into an ad in school sponsored publications (directories, PTA booklets, etc). A great targeted audience and usually very affordable.
30. Set up a "free giveaway/free info" box in any store that will give you permission.
31. Post flyers at apartment complexes if they will allow it.
32. Buy a pre-inked, personalized stamp and put your ad on it. Stamp the back of all your envelopes that you mail out. Do you know how many people look at an envelope before it gets opened by the mail department? A LOT!
33. Junk mail with the postage paid envelopes, I send a flyer back to the company and it's free postage!
34. On our light poles are clear tubes for the park owners to put flyers and stuff in
35. Gift basket raffles at Church bazaars, fish fries at your local community hall, any small town function (biz card in the basket) and biz cards on the table next to it
36. ALSO make gift baskets (if you sell a product that would work for this) for family, friends, neighbors, etc. for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, baby showers, bridal showers - you have to buy a gift anyway - make it a VERY SPECIAL one!
37. Replying to spam email with own business ad.
38. Give your business cards to friends and family and ask them to give them out to people they know that might be interested. But turn your business card over and put their name on it and offer an incentive for prospects they send you.
39. Put up flyers at the local colleges and large grocery stores
40. Use vinyl letters on the sun visor for your car to show your site
41. If you go to garage sales, ask if you can leave a few of your flyers there.
42.Leave a business card with your tip for your waiter/waitress.
43.I really like the idea of purchasing cheap seed packets (WAL-MART for $.10/each) and putting a cute tag on them with my pertinent info on it as well as a saying such as "I'm in the business of helping people grow".
44.Business cards with a magnetic back really "stick" in people's minds as well as on their refrigerator!
45.Call all the malls and hospitals in your area to see when they are having a baby expo...when they are I go and walk around and pass out business cards and/ or brochures.
Your Home Business on a Budget!
When you are starting out in a new home business and no one knows who you are, one of the greatest challenges you will face is how to drum up new business. If there were not people in your community or marketplace that you knew who needed your products or services, you probably would not have started your business to begin with.
But, once you have talked to those who you personally knew who needed your what you offer, then your next task is to find others who will help keep your doors open. Many people know that they must turn to advertising at some point in the future, but they hope that day will be long down the road. For some, this utopian concept will come to fruition. But for the rest of us in the real world, we must come up with creative solutions for meeting our home business advertising needs while working within our budget.
Most people have a misconception about having to spend lots of money in order to advertise their home business. When you start out, you honestly will not have much money available for advertising, and if you do, you should still spend it wisely. Before you jump headfirst into the world of advertising, let me share some of the lessons I have learned concerning this most important topic.
LESSON #1 It does not have to cost an arm and a leg to advertise your home business, unless you fail to plan and fail to test. As much as is possible, you should always test your advertising. If you jump in and start dumping tons of money in to advertising without first testing your advertising, you might find yourself broke and without sales at the end of the road. Most people who commit this error write off their failure on the home business they chose or the economy or any of a hundred other excuses. But, if they are unwilling to take responsibility for their mistake, they will never learn from their mistake. Don't let this be you.
LESSON #2 All testing should be done in blocks. If you begin to advertise simultaneously in newspapers, radio and television, how will you know which advertising is bringing people to your cash register? You won't. All you will know that something might be working, but you will not know what is actually doing the trick. Even if you tell people in your advertising to tell you how they found you, my experience shows that fewer than 10% of the people ever will tell you anything --- and those people who do may not even get the facts straight! You cannot rely on your customers to tell you what advertising is working for your home business. You must put in the extra effort to know for yourself.
LESSON #3 Only when you have a proven and solid advertising portfolio should you venture to drop big bucks in an advertising campaign. Even then, you should be careful to keep further measurements to determine how much the maximum advantage of an ad would be. Sometimes you might be able to reach ten times as many people, but depending on the kind of media and other factors, the additional exposure will only generate twice as many sales. Keep your eye attuned to situations like this to get the most from your advertising dollars.
LESSON #4 As Lesson #3 illustrates, sometimes your best advertising investment may actually cost you less money. When you are first starting out, whether you are running a home business or a business outside of your home, you need to be able to get people talking and thinking about your business. If you are busy testing ads in media's such as the newspaper, magazines, radio, and television, you need to learn ways of promoting your business that do not require large cash expenditures.
A few examples are: ·
Word of Mouth · Business Cards · Press Releases · Non-Primetime Ads on Radio and Television Here is more information about each type of low-cost advertising: WORD OF MOUTH This of course is the cheapest kind of advertising on the planet --- it does not cost you anything. Ask your customers if they know anyone who could also use your products or services. When they are happy with your offerings and service, they will be willing to tell you whom you can contact, and they will pass the word for you.
BUSINESS CARDS You can usually pick up 500 business cards for about $20. When you do, hand them out. Do not give more than a couple of cards to each person. If they need more cards from you, they will ask. Some people are known to network with others on a regular basis. Some of these people are also known to be always looking for an extra few bucks. With these people, you can suggest to them that if they write their name on the back of one of your business cards and the card is presented to you, then you will pay a referral fee to them. You do not have to offer much --- sometimes one dollar is enough. Look at your home business and your offerings and decide how much would be a good referral fee.
PRESS RELEASES Press Releases are a good source for generating news about your home business. The business editor at your local newspaper is always on the lookout for a good business story to fill the business news section of the newspaper. Of course, the business editor understands the economics of running a paper and is more inclined to run your story if you buy advertising in his/her publication, but will still print stories for special events and openings. The important thing to remember about Press Releases is that it must be constructed in the form of a news story.
Even if you are a sole proprietorship, quotes from you should be written in a third person format: John Doe said, "Your quote here." A Press Release should pack the most important information at the beginning of the copy, and leave extra details towards the end. You should always provide the reporter who gets the task a simple and easy way for him/her to contact you directly. Often the reporter will want to contact you to get details that will enhance their take on your story.
NON-PRIMETIME ADS ON RADIO AND TELEVISION Believe it or not, some of the best rates for radio and television are on the overnight and non-primetime venues. These target times are not a total waste as they can easily keep the infomercial people in business. These off-hours are just less populated than the primetime hours. Don't be afraid to check your local radio and television rates for non-primetime hours to see what bargains may exist. With television, primetime is 7pm to 10pm. With radio, primetime is 8am to 5pm. This sure leaves a whole lot of hours available to advertise your home business at discount rates!
IN CONCLUSION When it comes down to it, there is a lot to understand about advertising, but when you have the basic knowledge down pat, everything will fall into place and bring more dollars to your bank account.
About The Author: --------------------------------------------------
Stone Evans
But, once you have talked to those who you personally knew who needed your what you offer, then your next task is to find others who will help keep your doors open. Many people know that they must turn to advertising at some point in the future, but they hope that day will be long down the road. For some, this utopian concept will come to fruition. But for the rest of us in the real world, we must come up with creative solutions for meeting our home business advertising needs while working within our budget.
Most people have a misconception about having to spend lots of money in order to advertise their home business. When you start out, you honestly will not have much money available for advertising, and if you do, you should still spend it wisely. Before you jump headfirst into the world of advertising, let me share some of the lessons I have learned concerning this most important topic.
LESSON #1 It does not have to cost an arm and a leg to advertise your home business, unless you fail to plan and fail to test. As much as is possible, you should always test your advertising. If you jump in and start dumping tons of money in to advertising without first testing your advertising, you might find yourself broke and without sales at the end of the road. Most people who commit this error write off their failure on the home business they chose or the economy or any of a hundred other excuses. But, if they are unwilling to take responsibility for their mistake, they will never learn from their mistake. Don't let this be you.
LESSON #2 All testing should be done in blocks. If you begin to advertise simultaneously in newspapers, radio and television, how will you know which advertising is bringing people to your cash register? You won't. All you will know that something might be working, but you will not know what is actually doing the trick. Even if you tell people in your advertising to tell you how they found you, my experience shows that fewer than 10% of the people ever will tell you anything --- and those people who do may not even get the facts straight! You cannot rely on your customers to tell you what advertising is working for your home business. You must put in the extra effort to know for yourself.
LESSON #3 Only when you have a proven and solid advertising portfolio should you venture to drop big bucks in an advertising campaign. Even then, you should be careful to keep further measurements to determine how much the maximum advantage of an ad would be. Sometimes you might be able to reach ten times as many people, but depending on the kind of media and other factors, the additional exposure will only generate twice as many sales. Keep your eye attuned to situations like this to get the most from your advertising dollars.
LESSON #4 As Lesson #3 illustrates, sometimes your best advertising investment may actually cost you less money. When you are first starting out, whether you are running a home business or a business outside of your home, you need to be able to get people talking and thinking about your business. If you are busy testing ads in media's such as the newspaper, magazines, radio, and television, you need to learn ways of promoting your business that do not require large cash expenditures.
A few examples are: ·
Word of Mouth · Business Cards · Press Releases · Non-Primetime Ads on Radio and Television Here is more information about each type of low-cost advertising: WORD OF MOUTH This of course is the cheapest kind of advertising on the planet --- it does not cost you anything. Ask your customers if they know anyone who could also use your products or services. When they are happy with your offerings and service, they will be willing to tell you whom you can contact, and they will pass the word for you.
BUSINESS CARDS You can usually pick up 500 business cards for about $20. When you do, hand them out. Do not give more than a couple of cards to each person. If they need more cards from you, they will ask. Some people are known to network with others on a regular basis. Some of these people are also known to be always looking for an extra few bucks. With these people, you can suggest to them that if they write their name on the back of one of your business cards and the card is presented to you, then you will pay a referral fee to them. You do not have to offer much --- sometimes one dollar is enough. Look at your home business and your offerings and decide how much would be a good referral fee.
PRESS RELEASES Press Releases are a good source for generating news about your home business. The business editor at your local newspaper is always on the lookout for a good business story to fill the business news section of the newspaper. Of course, the business editor understands the economics of running a paper and is more inclined to run your story if you buy advertising in his/her publication, but will still print stories for special events and openings. The important thing to remember about Press Releases is that it must be constructed in the form of a news story.
Even if you are a sole proprietorship, quotes from you should be written in a third person format: John Doe said, "Your quote here." A Press Release should pack the most important information at the beginning of the copy, and leave extra details towards the end. You should always provide the reporter who gets the task a simple and easy way for him/her to contact you directly. Often the reporter will want to contact you to get details that will enhance their take on your story.
NON-PRIMETIME ADS ON RADIO AND TELEVISION Believe it or not, some of the best rates for radio and television are on the overnight and non-primetime venues. These target times are not a total waste as they can easily keep the infomercial people in business. These off-hours are just less populated than the primetime hours. Don't be afraid to check your local radio and television rates for non-primetime hours to see what bargains may exist. With television, primetime is 7pm to 10pm. With radio, primetime is 8am to 5pm. This sure leaves a whole lot of hours available to advertise your home business at discount rates!
IN CONCLUSION When it comes down to it, there is a lot to understand about advertising, but when you have the basic knowledge down pat, everything will fall into place and bring more dollars to your bank account.
About The Author: --------------------------------------------------
Stone Evans
Why I'm a TraVerus Travel Home Based Agent?
Why TraVerus Travel?
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Over 26 years licensed, insured and certified since 2001 and in the virtual marketplace. They have offices in Allen Texas. Are supported by the
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You can provide group booking cruises, condo reservations, international tours, fund raisers and more. You can earn huge revenues and increase their income levels through advanced training agency.
You will learn how to manage their own reserves to gain even more power to committees. Besides building its own revenue stream for travel bookings, with the help of Traverus, you can create additional revenue streams by partnering with other independent business owners and teaching them to do what you did.
Using our unique approach to affiliate marketing, you can help others achieve their goals and dreams from the comfort of your own home.
This approach also allows you to reach people who never thought possible.
The investment is minimal and the benefits and revenues would have to be infinite.
For more information visit becomeatraverustravelagent.blogspot.com
Para espanol: traverustravelatinointernacional.blogspot.com
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Is Traverus a scam, fraud or a legitimate travel business?
Over 26 years licensed, insured and certified since 2001 and in the virtual marketplace. They have offices in Allen Texas. Are supported by the
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Our company is open in more than 200 countries around the world and Latin America.
You can provide group booking cruises, condo reservations, international tours, fund raisers and more. You can earn huge revenues and increase their income levels through advanced training agency.
You will learn how to manage their own reserves to gain even more power to committees. Besides building its own revenue stream for travel bookings, with the help of Traverus, you can create additional revenue streams by partnering with other independent business owners and teaching them to do what you did.
Using our unique approach to affiliate marketing, you can help others achieve their goals and dreams from the comfort of your own home.
This approach also allows you to reach people who never thought possible.
The investment is minimal and the benefits and revenues would have to be infinite.
For more information visit becomeatraverustravelagent.blogspot.com
Para espanol: traverustravelatinointernacional.blogspot.com
Your Home Office & Business Management & Productivity
Your Home Office
As the nucleus of your home-based business, setting up and organizing your home office can be the key to your success:
Learn to separate work from play—
Although working at home is fun, you must learn to mentally separate your work from your personal life. Otherwise you'll get it mixed up and both will suffer.
Do not put too many personal things in your working space and vice versa.
Separate the "home" from the "office"—Yes, you have a home office or a SOHO (Small Office Home Office) as it's popularly called. But you need to physically separate the two. For this reason, it is never a good idea to put your office in your bedroom or share it with any other room.
If you have a small living space and can't afford a separate room, do what I do. Just determine which part of your hall or living area to convert to your home office, and mentally draw a "line" separating it from the rest of the room. You can also put full or partial partitions if you want. Separate entrance is best—If you can afford it, create a separate door or entrance into your home office.
This is especially useful if you expect a lot of clients at home. Create wireless networking—Cables are messy and troublesome. If you have more than one PC just use wireless routers and create a wireless environment in your home. Be fully equipped for business—Technology has made things cheap, so make full use of it.
I personally use the TelExtreme VoIP service that gives me unlimited calls to local, domestic and international fixed and mobile phones for a flat rate. I use Skype when I travel with my notebook and use it to automate all incoming phone calls, record messages and send them to my email (you can learn more on how to do this with my e-book on Internet Telephony).
You could also get a 3-in-1 fax, copier and scanner for under RM800!
You can't afford to have an ill-equipped home office if you're serious about making the type of income you dreamt about. Business Management & Productivity When you are a "one-man-show" small business dreaming of doing multi-million dollar big business, you'll definitely need these tips: Set your working hours—The number one mistake people make is thinking they can work whenever they feel like it. This can backfire, so make sure you set regular working hours such as 10.00am to 5.00pm and stick to it as much as you can. Of course since YOU are the boss now, you can set your time as you like, and you can always adjust a little here and there.
Have an efficient follow-up system—
Use email auto-responders, voice message recorders and even toll-free numbers to manage inquiries and follow-ups. This would free up tons of your time and also help you to focus on planning your next strategic business moves instead of being a phone operator.
Don't get distracted—
If you use email notification software (like Gmail Notifier) or instant message services like Yahoo Messenger or MSN Messenger, turn all these off during work hours. Don't be checking your email throughout the day, as it DOES NOT help you be focused. Instead, dedicate a few hours in the morning or evening to answer emails. If you find that the bulk of your daily time is spent looking at emails, then you're having the wrong strategy and focusing on the wrong priorities
As the nucleus of your home-based business, setting up and organizing your home office can be the key to your success:
Learn to separate work from play—
Although working at home is fun, you must learn to mentally separate your work from your personal life. Otherwise you'll get it mixed up and both will suffer.
Do not put too many personal things in your working space and vice versa.
Separate the "home" from the "office"—Yes, you have a home office or a SOHO (Small Office Home Office) as it's popularly called. But you need to physically separate the two. For this reason, it is never a good idea to put your office in your bedroom or share it with any other room.
If you have a small living space and can't afford a separate room, do what I do. Just determine which part of your hall or living area to convert to your home office, and mentally draw a "line" separating it from the rest of the room. You can also put full or partial partitions if you want. Separate entrance is best—If you can afford it, create a separate door or entrance into your home office.
This is especially useful if you expect a lot of clients at home. Create wireless networking—Cables are messy and troublesome. If you have more than one PC just use wireless routers and create a wireless environment in your home. Be fully equipped for business—Technology has made things cheap, so make full use of it.
I personally use the TelExtreme VoIP service that gives me unlimited calls to local, domestic and international fixed and mobile phones for a flat rate. I use Skype when I travel with my notebook and use it to automate all incoming phone calls, record messages and send them to my email (you can learn more on how to do this with my e-book on Internet Telephony).
You could also get a 3-in-1 fax, copier and scanner for under RM800!
You can't afford to have an ill-equipped home office if you're serious about making the type of income you dreamt about. Business Management & Productivity When you are a "one-man-show" small business dreaming of doing multi-million dollar big business, you'll definitely need these tips: Set your working hours—The number one mistake people make is thinking they can work whenever they feel like it. This can backfire, so make sure you set regular working hours such as 10.00am to 5.00pm and stick to it as much as you can. Of course since YOU are the boss now, you can set your time as you like, and you can always adjust a little here and there.
Have an efficient follow-up system—
Use email auto-responders, voice message recorders and even toll-free numbers to manage inquiries and follow-ups. This would free up tons of your time and also help you to focus on planning your next strategic business moves instead of being a phone operator.
Don't get distracted—
If you use email notification software (like Gmail Notifier) or instant message services like Yahoo Messenger or MSN Messenger, turn all these off during work hours. Don't be checking your email throughout the day, as it DOES NOT help you be focused. Instead, dedicate a few hours in the morning or evening to answer emails. If you find that the bulk of your daily time is spent looking at emails, then you're having the wrong strategy and focusing on the wrong priorities
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Home based business secrets!
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Welcome to my Space, . I'll be writing & gathering information about what we all want....How to get more traffic to our website?? Were and how? From my research and surfing the web and personal experience I decided to bring this blog to life.
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