04 April 2006

The Secret To Direct Mail Success

Need some specific ideas and guidelines to help you write effective advertising copy?

Whether it's a sales letter, postcard, or on the web, think format, copy and graphic components. A graphic component can be a cartoon, a drawing, a photograph, a border, a key word in a dramatic typeface. Most needs for such things can be filled very inexpensively with what is commonly called clip art in the advertising business.

You can buy books of copyright free clip art in art supply stores and by mail from several different companies. It's also easily available on the web today. An expenditure of ten or twenty dollars will get you hundreds of pieces of useable art.

=>There's one last tip I want to give you about using direct marketing to promote your business. A real secret to direct marketing success is repetition. When you are selecting or compiling a list of prospective customers to mail to you should think in terms of mailing offers and information to that same list three to five times during a 12-month period - not just once.

Properly used this can be one of the most effective and cost-efficient marketing strategies you'll ever find for your business. In your next Successful Marketing Strategy email we're going to get into the “nitty gritty” of creating effective advertising and writing effective copy. Be on the lookout for it in just a couple of days.

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